The name is program. With ZACKIG you are done in no time. For a warm and wintery sweater or a cozy wool hat this soft yarn is ideal. A 100% wool yarn which has a slight shine due to its beautiful firm twist.
Frida Fuchs Lise Meitner Str. 39-41 10589 Berlin (DE)
Customer ratings for ZACKIG Aran
Number of ratings: 1
Average rating: 5
Tolles Garn, weich und in wundervoller Färbung from Chrissi on 11/11/2018
Ich habe das Honigwaffeltuch in den Originalfarben gestrickt und bin schockverliebt in das Garn. Tolle Haptik und so lebendige Farben. Ich bin schon gespannt was ihr im Adventskalender für Überraschungen verpackt habt
All incoming ratings are posted by actual shop visitors / webshop customers and their content is checked by the operator by means of a visual inspection.